StartseitePressemitteilungenGlobaler AIOps-Markt, Größe, Anteil, Wachstum und Prognose bis 2030

Globaler AIOps-Markt, Größe, Anteil, Wachstum und Prognose bis 2030:

Research Nester has published a report titled „AIOps Market: Global Demand Analysis And Opportunity Outlook 2030“ which provides a detailed overview of the global AIOps Market in terms of market segmentation by component, deployment type, application, and region.

The global AIOps market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ 30% over the forecast period ie 2022-2030. The market is divided into On-Premise and On-Premise based on the type of deployment , of which the cloud-based segment is estimated to gain the largest market share during the forecast period due to the increasing penetration of cloud computing technology among the various end-user sectors on a global scale. In 2019, more than 80% of all companies worldwide were using a multi-cloud strategy.

On the basis of the vertical, the market is divided into & IT, BFSI, Healthcare, and others. Among these, the telecommunications and IT segment is expected to hold the largest share throughout the forecast period, due to the early adoption of advanced technologies in the IT sector, along with the increasing share of IT in global GDP. The global IT industry hit the $ 5 trillion mark in sales in 2020.

It is estimated that the global AIOps market is growing due to the proliferation of technologies along with the increasing adoption of advanced technologies such as IoT and cloud computing. In addition, it is estimated that the advantages of AIOps over DevOps such as B. higher accuracy and reduction of false positives, fuel market growth over the years. In addition, the frequent introduction of new technologies and the product pipeline is another important factor that should drive market growth.

Regionally, the global AIOps market is divided into five major regions, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Region and Africa. Among these regions, the Asia Pacific market is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the increasing technological development in developing countries including Japan, China and India. The market in the North America region is expected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period due to the growing IT industry and the highest penetration of advanced technologies in the region.
Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence to Increase Market Growth
More than 9 in 10 companies are expected to invest in artificial intelligence to increase their productivity.

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This report also presents the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players in the global AIOps Market which includes company profiles from IBM, CA Technologies (Broadcom Inc.), Micro Focus International plc, BMC Software, Inc., Dell Inc., Splunk Inc., HCL Technologies Limited, AppDynamics, Moogsoft Inc. and Correlsense. Profiling includes key company information, including a business overview, products and services, key financial metrics, and the latest news and developments.

Overall, the report provides an in-depth look at the global AIOps market that will assist industry advisors, device manufacturers, existing players looking for opportunities to expand, new players looking for opportunities, and other stakeholders to align their market-driven strategies with ongoing and anticipated trends in the future.

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