StartseitePressemitteilungenEsther Chong Explains Why The #1 Real Estate Agency In Duluth, GA Is A Favorite Among The Korean Community

Esther Chong Explains Why The #1 Real Estate Agency In Duluth, GA Is A Favorite Among The Korean Community:

For local Atlanta residents, their search for the perfect home or commercial space ends with the Esther Chong Realty Group. The company is consistently ranked as the top real estate agent in Duluth, locally and regionally. They have won over 70 awards, including the 2020 Team Awards for the best team in terms of closed volume and listings taken.

But Esther and her team are notably recognized by the local Korean diaspora settled in Atlanta. “She has shaped the Korean community into what it is today. Some of her Korean-based projects include the international Korean supermarket and ASSI. In fact, most real estate agents at the Esther Chong Group can speak Korean and English,” says a spokesperson for the Esther Chong Realty Group.

Thanks to her commitment, hard work, and determination, Esther Chong is widely respected and trusted by the Korean community. Together with her team, Esther can help find the best home and the best possible deal. Whether they’re looking for a family home or a commercial establishment, Esther Chong and her team can help.

“As for commercial real estate agency in Duluth, Georgia, Esther and team can help with leasing and full-service management. The team can market and list the vacant properties and put up an excellent marketing plan to help homeowners screen and find worthy tenants. The team also provides full-service management for single-tenant, multi-tenant, retail shopping centers, and other commercial buildings,” he adds.

About Esther Chong Realty Group:

The Esther Chong Realty Group was founded by Esther Chong, a licensed real estate agent, in 1994. Together with her team, she helps close residential and commercial real estate properties in Duluth. Her company is consistently ranked number one real estate agency in Duluth, Georgia.

To learn more about Esther Chong, visit

1960 Satellite Blvd,
GA 30097,

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Esther Chong Explains Why The #1 Real Estate Agency In Duluth, GA Is A Favorite Among The Korean Community

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