StartseiteIT und SoftwareSCHEMA ST4 is Available Now as a Web Application

SCHEMA ST4 is Available Now as a Web Application:

Operation of the component content management system in the Azure cloud offers a number of advantages

The SCHEMA ST4 component content management system, one of the most widely used software solutions in the field of technical documentation, is now available as a web application. This enables technical writers to access all SCHEMA ST4 functions from anywhere, making distributed work processing simple and efficient. This marks another important step in the cloud strategy of Quanos Content Solutions GmbH, provider of SCHEMA ST4.

In addition to lower licensing costs for essential third-party software such as Office365, using SCHEMA ST4 online offers a number of benefits, including security and reliability, easy scalability, an extremely high performance, a significantly lower hosting workload, and the option of distributed work processing. Technical writers can therefore work in ST4 from anywhere, with any mobile device, and on any browser.

Operation of ST4 as a web application runs via the Azure cloud. Companies that are already using Microsoft Azure can integrate SCHEMA ST4 into their own Azure tenants with ease. The efficient app interface as well as all features and functions of ST4 are of course available as normal. Thanks to the integration with Office 365, it is possible to continue working with the MS Word editor.

„Thanks to our partnership with Microsoft and the direct connection to Windows 365, ST4 now also runs as an adequate workstation for technical writers in browsers,“ says Nobuyoshi Shimada, Managing Director of Quanos Content Solutions. „We connect ST4 directly to the customer“s Active Directory. Meanwhile the customer stays in his or her usual server environment and has already answered all security questions. It doesn“t get much quicker and easier than that!“

What is Quanos Content Solutions?
Quanos Content Solutions was founded under the name SCHEMA in Nuremberg in 1995 and manufactures professional software for technical writing and marketing departments. Software solutions from Quanos Content Solutions help companies to create, manage, translate, and publish smart product information – from printed technical documentation right through to a digital knowledge base.
The popular SCHEMA ST4 component content management system is a staple of any well-equipped technical writing department and SCHEMA CDS, an additional product, provides smart access to smart information. Quanos Content Solutions software is being used in mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive sector, information technology, electronics, medical technology, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Quanos Content Solutions | Passion for smart information |
As part of the Quanos Group, Quanos Content Solutions and Quanos Service Solutions have a lot in common, namely their aim of helping people to understand machines and their passion for smart information.

Quanos Content Solutions GmbH
Almedina Durovic
Hugo-Junkers-Str. 15-17
90411 Nürnberg
0911 99097 402

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SCHEMA ST4 is Available Now as a Web Application

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