StartseiteWirtschaft und FinanzenTaiwan's Exports of Plastics and Rubber Machinery to Germany Increase Significantly

Taiwan’s Exports of Plastics and Rubber Machinery to Germany Increase Significantly:

Sales increase of 69 percent in the period from January to July 2022 makes Germany one of Taiwan’s largest export markets

Exports of plastics and rubber machinery from Taiwan are experiencing strong growth. In Germany alone, the export growth rate increased by 69 percent in the period from January to July 2022. According to the Ministry of Finance, the total export value reached one billion USD in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 13.5 percent, making Taiwan the world’s sixth largest exporter of plastics and rubber machinery. Figures for the first half of 2022 also show growth, with Taiwan exporting plastics and rubber machinery with a total value of 611 million USD in the period from January to July this year, up 6.8 percent year-on-year.

Major machinery categories include plastic injection molding machines, which accounted for 18.3 percent of total exports in 2021, extruders (extrusion machines), which accounted for another 11.3 percent, followed by vacuum/thermoforming machines and blow molding machines, which each accounted for about nine percent of total exports. Nearly 82 percent of the plastics and rubber machinery produced in Taiwan is exported. The top five export markets for Taiwan’s plastics and rubber machinery in 2021 were China, Vietnam, the United States, India and Thailand.

German market increasingly important for Taiwan’s plastics and rubber machinery industry

Although Germany is not one of the top five exporting countries, the export growth rate already increased significantly by almost 157 percent year-on-year in 2021. This placed Germany in 20th place among Taiwan’s largest export markets. This growth continued at a rate of 69 percent in the period from January to July 2022, with Germany now ranking 14th among the country’s largest export markets.

Within Europe, Germany is the leading nation in terms of plastics manufacturing production, foreign trade and the research and development of man-made materials. In 2021, Germany generated sales of just under 85 billion euros. Experts predict that the German plastics market will continue to grow. The packaging industry accounts for the largest share of plastics. But plastics are also used in the construction, automotive, furniture and electrical trades, as well as in agriculture and medical technology.

Go green with Taiwan’s smart plastic and rubber machinery

Environmental awareness and sustainability are on the rise worldwide, and customers are increasingly starting to pay attention to the product’s carbon footprint. „Green“ concepts have become a trend among both manufacturers and consumers – also in the plastics and rubber industry. As a result, plastics manufacturers are looking for more environmentally friendly and efficient machinery or manufacturing solutions to meet customers‘ „green“ requirements.

Machine builders from Taiwan are always working to advance machinery and equipment by making them digital and smarter. In addition to making them fully electric, the machine builders are also modernizing old machinery. This can save costs and reduce the product’s carbon footprint. Furthermore, companies from Taiwan impress with short delivery times and great flexibility. In addition, they can manufacture entire production lines in one factory, thus saving costs and time.

Marion Müller
Senior Public Relations Manager

ITMS Marketing
Phone: +49 (0)6032 / 34590

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