StartseiteAllgemeinGet a freeticket! The leading European Software Asset Management Digital Event. ScaleUp 360° SAMS Europe

Get a freeticket! The leading European Software Asset Management Digital Event. ScaleUp 360° SAMS Europe:

Start: 17.06.2020 09:00 Uhr
End: 18.06.2020 15:00 Uhr
Entry: free
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Get a freeticket! The leading European Software Asset Management Digital Event. ScaleUp 360° SAMS EuropePress Release from: we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH

The leading European Software Asset Management Digital Event.

Berlin, May 11, 2020

The event for Software Asset Managers, License Managers, IT Vendor Managers, IT Contract Managers and IT Procurement practitioners. ScaleUp 360° SAMS Europe will give you the chance to engage over 2 days with over 250 SAM and IT procurement experts from the leading companies all over Europe. Our digital event provides you with live presentations and case studies on Software Asset Management Best Practices by true industry thought leaders.

The digital event ScaleUp 360° SAMS Europe will take place on June 17 – 18, 2020 with over 250 stakeholders who are playing an active role in the Software Asset Management scene joining 12 live presentations over 2 days – directly from their desks.

More information:

ScaleUp 360° SAMS Europe – Key Topics:
-Optimizing SAM in the Subscription Economy
-Bring Your Own License – Which on premise licenses can be use on which IaaS?
-How does license mobility really work: Which server applications can be deployed with the existing licenses on AWS and which ones need to run on instances in dedicated hosts?
-Azure Portal, AWS Marketplace & Co.: Buy per click – What is the future of IT Procurement between fast deployment and cost transparency?
-FOSS & SAM: How to minimize compliance risks of using of free and open software in your organization?
-(SAP) Indirect use: Mastering the new sales, audit and pricing models
-License optimization in complex hybrid system landscapes
-Is there an end to the old tug of war? What are possible ways to change the relationship between software publishers and end-user companies?
-Assessing the implications of containerization of the IT for software asset management
-Mastering the Industrial IoT challenge: How to measure „Digital Access“ vs. „Human Access“?

How do our ScaleUp 360° events work?
Watch our video now to find out how to get involved. Participants can sign up for free to join the digital events for free. Our partners can connect with a large community and present their product portfolio in an informal setting in front of hundreds of experts and decision makers.

About we.CONECT:
we.CONECT Global Leaders is a leading business information company, developing and providing virtual business conferences, senior level B2B live events, digital business communities & supporting event technology at the interface between real live business, digital transformation & future technologies & challenges.

SCALEUP 360° brings together established industry experts, global thought leaders and senior executives from the world“s leading intelligent businesses to digital gatherings packed with cutting-edge online presentations and networking opportunities. Interact with fellow attendees, chat to presenters and take home valuable resources without leaving your desk. Find out more about our 100+ online events focusing on automotive, manufacturing, IT & DevOps, IoT, finance & legal, marketing & communication topics:

Your contact person for more information on our digital event:

Simon Teichmann
Marketing Manager
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH | Reichenberger Str. 124 | 10999 Berlin
+49 30 52 10 70 3 – 84 |

The digital event series ScaleUp 360° is a product of we.CONECT. we.CONECT Global Leaders is a leading business information company, developing and providing digital business information, senior level B2B events, business communities & supporting event technology at the interface between real live business, digital transformation & future technologies & challenges. Leveraging our expertise and strong relationships with key experts across the globe, we create events, content and communities that deliver mindblowing ideas, innovations & opportunities to make your business growth.
If you have any questions regarding this event, don“t hesistate to contact me.

we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Simon Teichmann
Reichenberger Str. 124
10999 Berlin
+49 30 52 10 70 3 – 84

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