StartseiteAllgemeinBecome our partner at our ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe Event

Become our partner at our ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe Event:

Start: 26.01.2021 09:00 Uhr
End: 27.01.2021 15:00 Uhr
Entry: free
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Become our partner at our ScaleUp 360°  Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe EventPress Release from: we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH

The digital summit on Testing, & Validating Highly Autonomous Vehicles & Systems

Berlin, May 12, 2020

ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe – the digital summit for automotive decision makers and leading professionals. They present their most pressing challenges and solutions, technologies, trends and best practice innovations in the field of L4+ autonomous vehicle development.
Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe addresses technical-, business- and research aspects of automotive HMI as well as development and strategic implementation concepts. Be A Business Partner and give us insight into your strategies and current projects. We create space for discussion at our virtual event. Discuss your obstacles in everyday business, problems from your practical experience and bring in your solution ideas. Share your thoughts with your community and become a part of the new ways, in the maze of the business world.

As a partner of ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe, you will present your services to over 250 decision makers with budget responsibility. Use the innovative webinar format for live demonstrations or case studies to present your expertise to an exclusive community of business stakeholders. Join ScaleUp 360° as a partner to explore specific market verticals, market your products, gain new leads and promote your brand to your target audience.

Bussiness Partner information – right here:

The digital event ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe will take place on January 26-27, 2021 with over 250 stakeholders who are playing an active role in the manufacturing scene joining 12 live sessions over 2 days – directly from their desks.

More information:

ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe – Key Topics:
-Virtual validation, System Integration & Certification- Recent advances in system integration and virtual validation tools as well as the latest
methods used to verify level 4+ autonomous vehicles
-Real-life Testing & Virtual Testing – Optimal coexistence of physical and virtual testing of autonomous systems and hybrid tools
-Machine Learning & AI – Effective Validation and Verification Methods for Artificial Intelligence Based ADAS/AD Systems
-Guidelines & Methods – for identification of technical languages for verification and validation of highly automated vehicles
-Sensor Modelling & Vehicle Dynamics – in simulation environments and subsystems for the development and validation of ADAS and AD systems
-Testing Infrastructures & Scenario-driven development – scenario databases for simulation, defining and identifying relevant scenarios automatic
observation-based extraction from multiple sources and the advantages of observation-based extraction over constructed scenarios
-Sensor-realistic simulations, simulating environments and subsystems for the development and validation of ADAS and AD systems
-Generating and Using Data from Virtual Scenarios to Train for Critical Situations
-System Releases & Leveraging simulation for the testing and validation of automated driving & developing more functions in shorter time frames
with high volumes of testing
-Working with critical & complex edge-cases & variations extracted from real-world traffic scenarios
-Innovations in testing facilities & purpose-built proving ground for testing the performance and safety of connected and automated vehicles and
technologies under controlled and realistic condition
-Data management, logging & enrichment – recording raw sensor data and data annotation
-Rapid Prototyping, test architectures & simulation platform: end-to-end solution for SIL, HIL, and large scale simulation in the cloud

How do our ScaleUp 360° events work?
Watch our video now to find out how to get involved. Participants can sign up for free to join the webinars for free. Our partners can connect with a large community and present their product portfolio in an informal setting in front of hundreds of experts and decision makers.

About we.CONECT:
we.CONECT Global Leaders is a leading business information company, developing and providing virtual business conferences, senior level B2B live events, digital business communities & supporting event technology at the interface between real live business, digital transformation & future technologies & challenges.
SCALEUP 360° brings together established industry experts, global thought leaders and senior executives from the world“s leading intelligent businesses to digital gatherings packed with cutting-edge webinars, presentations and networking opportunities. Interact with fellow attendees, chat to presenters and take home valuable resources without leaving your desk. Find out more about our 100+ online events focusing on automotive, manufacturing, IT & DevOps, IoT, finance & legal, marketing & communication topics:

Your contact person for more information on our digital event:

Evelyne Ndirangu
Marketing Manager
Manufacturing & Industry of things World Event Series

Phone: +49 30 52 10 70 3 – 123

ScaleUp 360° is the digital event series brought to you by we.CONECT Global Leaders. we.CONECT Global Leaders is a young, owner-managed, medium-sized company from the heart of Berlin. We are proud of our independence which allows us to sustainably provide our services to our customers on the market. We operate at the heart of the global knowledge-, information- & technology communities. We serve customers from all industries & sectors, in Germany, Europe & globally.

we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Evelyne Ndirangu
Reichenberger Str. 124
10999 Berlin

we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Elise Orhan
Reichenberger Str. 124
10999 Berlin

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Become our partner at our ScaleUp 360° Autonomous Vehicle Testing & Validation Europe Event

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